How to customize WordPress post anchor text interlinking without changing the WordPress title

To automatically change the default anchor text that WordPress adds for post interlinking follow these steps below.

  1. Install Elementor Builder
  2. Install the ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) plugin
  3. Add an ACF field called “anchor text” and allow the new ACF field to be used with all pages.
  4. Go to page you want to add the list of posts or pages with custom anchor text
  5. Add an Elementor “Loop Grid” widget
  6. Build the loop grid widget and use the “anchor-text” ACF field as your post titles anchor text in the posts list.
  7. Go back to the post list page and go back to the Loop Grid widget, and filter the posts to show and click “source” and “manual selection”
  8. Now search for the posts you want to add to the list and you are done.


Thank you, let us know if we can explain anything in more detail to help you, set this up.